Thursday, July 24, 2014

Custom Teleport Pad Asset Look :)

Showing off the Custom Teleporter Pad asset look. Finishing up the documentation, and uploading another vid showing the teleporting.

Man blogger doesn't like embedding my videos.

Here's the link:

Damaged Grounds

Friday, July 18, 2014

Unity Teleportation System - When Things Go Right

Aaaaand got it to work. Sorry for not embedding the video, its bloggers fault for asking for the vid name instead of link, and then finding all the wrong things.

Feature list:
- Single or multiple destination pads
- Instant Teleportation (step on it, teleports you instantly)
- Random Teleportation (teleports you to a random pad)
- Button Teleporation (teleports you when you press a button you set)
- Delayed Teleporation (delays by the time you set)
- Set to use tag or not (either teleport any object, or just an object with a specific tag, like just the player)
- modifiable teleport height (if you need to tweak teleport height)

Unity Teleportation System - When Things Go Wrong

Just working on a small teleport pad script for the asset store.
It'll be available for free. But as you can see, things aren't going right. xD

Unity Mecanim - 3rd Person Character Controller System Prototype

Working on a new 3rd person character controller GTA 3 and up style, with free cam and camera relative controls while not aiming, and with strafing while aiming.

Its been a frustrating couple days but I got it to work the way I want it.
It does need a lot of polishing, what with all the sliding and floating, and lacking jump animations, and small raycast bug, but the basics are done.

Test character is Unity-chan, made by Unity peeps from Japan.
I apologize for breaking her back a good number of times before the torso finally oriented where I want it to.

Next up:
- jumping animation (priority)
- network test (priority)
- hand to hand combat system, when you're not aiming, or holding a gun (priority)
- rifle holding
- running while aiming, not just walking
- maybe shooting without aiming

Vector Drive on Google Play

Vector Drive is available on Google Play for free!